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KAWASAKI 2020年式車款台灣發表!

Previous: Technology and community should go hand in hand. Originality and learning from others is the bedrock of the industry. Both are reliant in community support. One way to support this is by going to an area technology art gallery or visit a home business that makes use of technology. Take a look at what exactly they are using, seek out new enhancements, and advise ways to enhance their current use. You can also reveal the understanding with these people as well. The people who will gain most from the insights will be those who search for technological innovations and products. Therefore, the businesses you advise should be able to grow. Entrepreneurship is about risk taking and never being scared to take chances. Think about what you can do to assist these businesses grow. One of the most well-liked ways to provide support intended for innovation and development is through the use of social networking. To be successful, the company must be capable to leverage this system. Most people are very familiar with social media. Even individuals who have not tried it before may be easily enticed obtain. So , find the appropriate platform to develop your company and make it known to hundreds of who have are involved in technology and community. In today’s world, scientific advances will be happening every day. It is your task to make sure these types of innovations reach more people and improve standard of living. It is also the best way to get your name out at this time there as a specialist in the field. Social media is about persons building digitalmatcher.com relationships. These relationships may be based on trust, or perhaps they are depending on positive reviews. Either way, these connections are a critical ingredient to making a positive effect on the world. Since technology and community get hand in hand, businesses often visualize their customers within the team. Clients are also extremely important to companies mainly because they help define the niche for the market. It is additionally great for consumer retention, therefore businesses could find it beneficial to create a special web page that may give consumers access to special deals. This strategy facilitates businesses connect with their customers wherever they are. Also to conntacting customers, businesses need to focus on how they can be a great interactive connection tool. Along with the information era now, technology has become this kind of a large element of life that it can be time to reap the benefits of it. Companies are often time-consuming to realize the energy of technology and community, and so they should take advantage of this today. So long as technology perhaps there is, it will be an integral part of society. Like it or not, technology is here to stay. To remain competitive in today’s market, businesses must stay up to date with changes in technology. Today, technology allows businesses to take advantage of ending up in their customers in lots of ways, whether it is through traditional get togethers online meetings, or even electronic meetings. The web has become a fundamental element of business, and it is vital to work with this medium to influence your company. As well as specific equipment to help you accomplish this. The best part regarding information technology is the fact that that it does not cost anything to input, and it is not very expensive. That they don’t have to generate huge investment strategies to get the job done. Rather, they can use less and give attention to what they do greatest: innovate. It isn’t difficult to find the right tools to assist your business achieve both technology and community. Find those that can help your company stay in touch with the earth, and enhance productivity even though meeting the requirements of an evolving market.

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KAWASAKI 2020年式車款台灣發表!



2020 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 SX、Ninja 650、Z650、W800 等改款新車,加值不加價!


在去年米蘭車展小改款登場的 Ninja 650 / Z650 與 Ninja 1000SX,在總代理 台崎重車的引進下,於第二季正式抵達台灣。這次透過發表會,除了 W 800 外,來帶各位看看小幅改款後的 Ninja 650 / Z 650 與 Z 1000SX 又有何不同面貌。


Ninja 650

與 ZX-10R 類似的競速家族外觀。
全新4.3 吋 TFT 液晶顯示儀表。
輕量化的 Dunlop Sportmax Roadsport 2 輪胎。
符合 Euro 4 法規的排氣系統。
建議售價:36.8 萬


Z 650


全新 LED 大燈與造型。
全新 4.3 吋 TFT 全彩液晶螢幕可結合 RIDEOLOGY THE APP 系統
符合Euro 4 法規的排氣系統。


Ninja 1000SX


全車 LED 燈具
全新 4.3 吋 TFT 全彩液晶顯示幕
KCC / KQS 導入


W 800



更具侵略性的家族外觀的 Ninja 650



從外觀上來看,新的 Ninja 650 在整流罩與大燈的造型更向大哥 ZX-10R 靠攏, Ninja 家族的特徵已經全數整合。除了外觀的識別度外,一體化的家族特徵更是近年來各車廠努力的目標。


延續著襲上一代以「Fun、Style、Easy」為主要的設計概念,改款後的 Ninja 650 有著極佳的車輛平衡性,所搭載的 650c.c. 並列雙缸引擎在中低轉速間擁有出色的動力表現,輔以輕量化的車體結構,是雙缸中量級車型中的佼佼者。


經過重新調教後的 650c.c. 引擎,通過了更嚴苛的歐盟四期環保法規同時又加強中、低轉速的扭力,易於騎士的靈活操控性與順暢的動力輸出表現,將日常生活與運動性能完美的結合,不論是新手騎士或騎乘老手都能輕鬆駕馭。


全新式樣的俐落外型,嶄新的 LED 雙頭燈與 4.3吋TFT (thin-film transistor) 全彩液晶儀表板,展現運動化的外觀並帶來了忍者家族的新風貌,同時具有「RIDEOLOGY THE APP」與智慧型手機連結的功能。


只有 790mm 的座高相當親民,無論騎士的性別都能輕鬆地駕馭。同時為了後座乘客的舒適度,這次改款的重點之一就是加厚加寬 (中間加高約 5mm,兩側加寬約 10mm ) 的後坐墊。除了舒適度外,重新塑形的後坐墊,讓前、後座的高低差更為明顯,同時也營造出更具跑格的味道。


前煞車系統採用 Nissin 單向雙活塞卡鉗搭配雙邊 300mm 浮動碟。





勁力齊發的中量級街車 Z 650


在「淒」( Sugomi ) 的核心設計理念下,加入了 Z 家族的全新風貌。身為第二代的 Z 650 有著全新銳利的 LED 頭燈,與 Ninja 650 同款的 4.3 吋 TFT 全彩液晶顯示屏幕與重新調教的引擎,無論是外觀或性能上都流露出 Z 家族的驃悍風格。


與 Z400 類似的的雙層式 LED 大燈,勾勒出獨特的視覺效果。上方的小風鏡造型也更加立體。


家族化的另一特徵就是導入資訊更豐富的 4.3 吋 TFT 多彩液晶儀表,可隨著外在光線自動切換黑、白底色以符合最佳識別狀態。








新的側殼設計,讓 Z 650 更具肌肉線條。


全新調教後的 650c.c. 並列雙缸引擎,強化了中、低轉速的扭力表現,讓市區與山道騎乘更顯輕鬆。








前煞車系統則與 Ninja 650 相同。


符合 Euro 4 法規的排氣系統。


後煞車系統同樣交由 Nissin 代工的單活塞單向卡鉗搭配220mm固定碟。

智能旅跑 Ninja 1000SX


第四代的 Ninja 1000SX 算是標榜運動化與休閒旅遊結合的車款,較高的手把與可拆卸的側箱來看,的確, Ninja 1000SX 有著兼具絕佳的運動能力與出色的旅行實力。而 Kawasaki 打造公升級運動旅跑的企圖一覽無遺。電控系統是這代 Ninja 1000SX 最看不見但是卻最有感的地方,除了原有的 ABS 系統與 KTC 循跡控制外, KQS 快排系統與 KCCS 電子巡航定速控制的導入,更是讓 Ninja 1000SX 的操控感受提升至另一個水平。


全新改款的 Ninja 1000SX 完成了全車燈具 LED 化的升級,可調式風鏡的角度也略作修改,更為凸起的風鏡,對於騎士上半身的擾流效果大為增加。


4.3 吋 TFT 全彩液晶儀表已成為新世代 Kawasaki 車款的定番配備之一。可與「RIDEOLOGY THE APP」程式互動是另一項賣點之一。


LED 方向燈。






近、遠燈與 Pass 燈按鍵皆位於前方。








可拆卸的側箱,長途旅行再也不是難事。眼尖的讀者可能有發現到,這一代的 Ninja 1000SX 已從上一代的雙邊排氣管改成單邊了,除了重量減輕外,在視覺上也更為清爽。

歷久彌新的經典 W800



Kawasaki 經典車款中的長青樹 W800 ,在配備升級後再度以盤涅之姿重生在世人面前。在今日發表的車款中,W 800 是最接近也承襲了 1960 年代原汁原味的車型,無論是外觀或是騎乘姿勢來看,都能讓人重溫六、七零年代的駕馭感受與經典風範。


繼 W800 Street 與 Cafe 車型誕生後,最貼近初代目的 W 800 正式回歸。大燈則為 LED 式樣,雖說少了點古味,不過這也是復古科技的揉合吧。


經典雋永的造型,讓 W 800 多年來始終如一。


773c.c. 並列雙缸氣冷 OHV 引擎特有的震動感與排氣聲浪,訴說著舊時代的記憶。






後雙槍式避震器與雙出魚雷排氣管,都是 W 800 迷人之處。


在前輪改為 19 吋後,操控性與靈活性大為增加。前煞車系統為單向雙活塞卡鉗搭配 320mm 浮動碟。


後輪煞車同為單向雙活塞卡鉗搭配 270mm 固定碟。 前後 ABS 系統則為標配。

同場加映:機械增壓的地表猛獸「 Z H2」!



除了上述的車款外,台崎重車更為現場媒體準備了一個驚喜,就是搭載與 H2 同級機械增壓系統的運動街車 Z H2 也在場先行亮相。有著眾多電控配備與強大的增壓系統,讓 Z H2 有著無與倫比的加速性與操控性。台崎重車表示,這輛猛獸將於今年在台正式販售,雖然沒有公佈售價,據了解應該不超過一百萬元!想要駕馭 Z H2 的車迷朋友可以開始準備好預算囉。


Z 家族的雙層式 LED 大燈。


4.3 吋的多彩 TFT 液晶儀表。




近、遠燈與 Pass 燈切換。






與 H2 同級的「Supercharged」機械增壓系統。




下次在路上看到這尾燈,可別以為是一般的 Z1000 ~惹錯對象可是連尾燈都看不見啊。




原文出處:[採訪] 2020 KAWASAKI NINJA 650 Z 650 等車款台灣發表



KAWASAKI 2020年式車款台灣發表!

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